About Wood Destroying Insect Inspection
The materials that make up the structures we live in can be subject to damage from wood destroying insects; such damage can have structural implications for the home. When purchasing a new home, or as part of on-going home monitoring, we recommend obtaining a Wood Destroying Insect (WDI) Inspection; in addition, some financial lenders will require that an inspection be obtained.
With over 20 years of experience in assisting the real estate industry, Quality Pest Services, Inc. specializes in performing Wood Destroying Insect (WDI) Inspections and reports the findings using the NPMA-33 form for VA and FHA loan requirements. In partnership, Welcome Home, Home Inspections will make arrangements with Quality Pest Services to conduct the WDI inspection during the home inspection.
The objective of the WDI inspection is to examine your home for termites, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, and reinfesting wood boring beetles. This inspection is non-destructive, visible, and of the readily accessible areas of the structure, including attics and crawlspaces. The inspection will include probing unobstructed and accessible areas to determine the presence or absence of visual evidence of wood destroying insects, signs of previous treatments, and recommendations for treatment as needed.
Evidence of termite shelter tubes at basement wall
Wood destroying insects can cause damage to the wooden structural components of a house, and may go undetected for a long period of time.
Prevention Tips
Many termite problems can be prevented. The most important thing to do is to deny termites access to food (wood), moisture and shelter. The following are some preventative suggestions:
Eliminate all wood-to-soil contact, such as trellises, fence posts, railroad ties and wooden retaining walls;
Separate vegetation from the house to reduce the potential pathway for insects to enter;
Eliminate or reduce landscaping mulch;
Protect wood to prevent wood rot;
Seal openings in the foundation and exterior building envelope;
Remove wood scraps and stumps from the foundation area.
evidence of wood destroying insect damage to several wooden members of the porch.